If you are like my husband who likes to play online games all the time, download movies when he is off from work and spend a few hours in front of the computer a day, a super fast internet connection is what he always needs.
In today's fast pace world where everybody is always in a hurry, who wants to get ahead of everybody else. Charter's Ultra60 Mbps is what you should get for your internet, they offers the fastest internet speed in town, It is currently offered in St. Louis but Ultra 60 will be available in other areas as well in the near future.
It's speed is very reliable especially on downloading games, movies, telecommuting with mega-files and much more at super high speeds, at this speed you can multitask like you've never done before with other internet connection.
Charter's Ultra60 Mbps service is a first Phatband that charter is offering to its customer, Gamers love
Phatband for its ability to download patches in record time, and virtually eliminates lag in their gaming. To learn more about this wonderful product you can visit them at
Ultra60 Information Page or you can tweet them at
Charter’s Twitter Feed for updates.
A fast speed internet connection is really what we need now, Phatband has taken broadband into the next level of super-fast tier service.