Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recipe of a Military wife

1 1/2 cups Patience
1 lb. Adaptability
3/4 cup Tolerance
1 tsp. Courage
A Dash of Adventure

Combine above ingrdients: Add 2 tablespoons elbow grease. Let sit alone for one year. Marinate frequently with slaty tears. Pour off excess fat. Sprinkle lightly with money. "Knead" dough until payday. Season with international spices. Bake 20 years or until done. military wives everywhere, who have waved "good-bye: more often than not, who have heated up more dinners than most wives cook, who have missed more anniversaries, birthdays, Christmases and Valentine's Days than they should have, and most important of all have welcomed their husbands home GLADLY.


dhemz said...

hahahha...this is a good one...I like it....

salamat sa paglabay mami...unsay costume ni jaden?

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks for sharing this sis hehehe..

J.L. Smith said...

Hi, there…just wanted to let everyone know that I am donating a percentage of my book sales – through Veterans’ Day – to Project Valour-IT! Why not donate to this very worthwhile cause and read a great book at the same time? You can read a sample chapter on the “Sneak Peek” tab at Please help support our wounded soldiers by spreading the word! Thank you!